Literary Accolade

I received an email last night notifying me that Mr. Penny-Farthing was named a finalist in the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards in the Suspence category! If you follow this blog, you’ll note that last year my debut novel Accursed Son received a similar honor and I’m suitably chuffed by this. Mr, Penny-Farthing isContinue reading “Literary Accolade”

Hunting for Words (or How to Feel Relevant Again)

I chase the words outside, hunting them down one by one, following their tracks through deep snow. They twist and turn and laugh at my feeble attempts to capture them. Some escape into the woods, while others succumb to my net. I trap them and nail them to the page. They scream and curse me,Continue reading “Hunting for Words (or How to Feel Relevant Again)”

Fellowship in Prose

I announced this news in February on my socials, but I was awared a 2024 Fellowship in Prose from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. I applied once before a few years ago and received a rejection. When the application process came around again last year, I submitted an excerpt from my debutContinue reading “Fellowship in Prose”

Book Tour is Over

The book tour for Mr. Penny-Farthing concluded on Feb. 16, ending a month of interviews, reviews, and spotlight features by several book blogs. Thank you to all of the bloggers who participated and gave Mr. Penny-Farthing additional exposure. Thanks also to RABT Book Tours & PR for handling the logistics and organizing the virtual bookContinue reading “Book Tour is Over”

Got the Morbs?

How to keep writing when you’re feeling blue Ever sit down to write and the words won’t flow? Not only are you blocked, but you’re sliding off a precipice into an existential crisis, blindsided by thoughts of sadness and futility.  Why bother writing? What’s the point of writing anything? Why don’t readers flock to yourContinue reading “Got the Morbs?”

Behold My Works for 2023

This is the obligatory end-of-the-year writing post, wherein the author explains what they have accomplished this past year. I don’t like writing these kinds of posts, because I think I haven’t accomplished enough. I didn’t make a big enough impact than I would have liked, but there were some significant milestones, and I have writtenContinue reading “Behold My Works for 2023”