The Ocean Hugs Hard

The Ocean Hugs Hard, my folk horror/cosmic horror/sunshine noir novel about lost innocence, conspiracies, and tentacles, is out now! This is the book I’ve been working on since 2020, and it’s finally in print (or eBook if you prefer that). Harman Bass, the novel’s reluctant protagonist, is a cub reporter for a weekly newspaper inContinue reading “The Ocean Hugs Hard”

Literary Accolade

I received an email last night notifying me that Mr. Penny-Farthing was named a finalist in the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards in the Suspence category! If you follow this blog, you’ll note that last year my debut novel Accursed Son received a similar honor and I’m suitably chuffed by this. Mr, Penny-Farthing isContinue reading “Literary Accolade”